Saturday, April 7, 2012

Victoria's Secret Sends Wrong Message with "Study Less Party More" Merchandise

           The petition entitled “Victoria’s Secret: Stop telling young girls that education is unimportant” is exactly what it sounds like. Victoria’s Secret has begun to put messages on their underwear, shorts, and pants with messages like “Study Less Party More.” Why Victoria’s Secret feels that this is an important message to send girls is completely beyond me. Their line of PINK products is specifically targeted at teenage and twenty something girls. So why is a company that many women and girls shop at trying to tell girls that an education is less important than say partying? I would have to guess that VS went with the uncomplicated route of selling girls a party mentality that pervades much of this culture (Jersey Shore is another great example). As one of the signers of the petition, Catrina Davis states “It is time for all media/ marketing ads especially from high income generators like Victoria’s Secret to choose to be socially responsible and put out messages that sell products and uplift society.” Victoria’s Secret is in a position to change the negative, popular notions that stand in our society and they should. Education should be an important part of a girl’s life and Victoria’s Secret should know better.  

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